Building Structre

Building structure

Building is done to meet different human needs. Civil engineers and architects are responsible for the strength, beauty and proper execution of the building. To have an efficient building, it is necessary to make its skeleton using the appropriate materials and observing the technical principles. Today, construction takes place in two general forms. Construction with concrete structures and the use of metal structures to build a metal skeleton. Concrete structures are generally more common on a small scale and are more commonly used, but knowing what the benefits of building a metal skeleton have on concrete structures، It can be a way to ask many questions in choosing the type of skeleton.
Designing, building and installing heavy structures and huge steel sheds using experienced forces and continuous quality control is one of the most important activities of Neka Machine Steel Company. In this collection, efforts are always made to produce orders in the shortest possible time and in the most economical ways, while reducing costs and attracting customer satisfaction.

Metal Structure

Due to the development and industrialization of construction, modern methods in construction should be gradually replaced by traditional methods. Metal structures can be one of the best choices in this field due to the use of steel as the main material. The most important benefits of steel that are used in metal skeletons are high strength, weldability, formability, flexibility, homogeneity and orthotics. These structures can behave better than concrete skeletons against unexpected events such as earthquakes. High production speed and development of these structures، Reduces the time required to build the final product, as well as using these structures to help make the building lighter and more resilient.

Advantages of metal structure over concrete structure

The strength as well as the weight-to-weight ratio of metal parts is greater than that of concrete materials.

Metal is prepared in large factories under close supervision, so that its properties can be ensured uniformly and its properties are not affected by external factors, unlike concrete.

Due to the very good durability of steel, the life of metal buildings is much higher than concrete buildings if they are carefully maintained.

An important feature of metal materials is its formability, which is able to withstand the concentration of stress and dynamic and impact force. While concrete materials are crisp and brittle and very weak against these factors.

Strengthening or strengthening weak parts of a metal building due to computational errors, changing regulations, rules and other items is much easier than members of a concrete building.

Due to the preparation and construction of factories and its installation in its position, it takes less time to implement concrete parts.

The average weight of a steel skeleton per unit area is much lower than a concrete skeleton in the same condition.

In metal buildings, the dimensions of the trail and columns are smaller than concrete buildings. The building will have a more useful space.